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Journal Papers: († co-first authors; * corresponding authors)
35. H. Li†, W. Zhang†, X. Liao*, and L. Xu*, “Kirigami Enabled Reconfigurable Three-Dimensional Evaporator Arrays for Dynamic Solar Tracking and High Efficiency Desalination” Science Advances 10, eado1019 (2024). (pdf)
34. H. Liu, X. Ji, Z. Guo, X. Wei, J. Fan, P. Shi, X. Pu*, F. Gong*, and L. Xu*, “A High-Current Hydrogel Generator with Engineered Mechanoionic Asymmetry” Nature Communications 15, 1494 (2024). (pdf)
33. S. Wang, P. Fan, W. Liu, B. Hu, J. Guo, Z. Wang, S. Zhu, Y. Zhao, J. Fan, G. Li*, and L. Xu*, “Research Progress of Flexible Electronic Devices Based on Electrospun Nanofibers” ACS Nano 18, 31737 (2024). (pdf)
32. H. He†, Y. Chen†, A. Pu, L. Wang, W. Li, X. Zhou, C. Y. Tang, K. Ban, M. Yang*, and L. Xu*, “Strong and High-Conductivity Hydrogels with All-Polymer Nanofibrous Networks for Applications as High-Capacitance Flexible Electrodes” npj Flexible Electronics 8, 56 (2024). (pdf)
31. Q. Li†, Z. Zhao†, F. Chen†, X. Xu, L. Xu, L. Cheng, M. Adeli, X. Luo, and C. Cheng*, “Delocalization Engineering of Heme-Mimetic Artificial Enzymes for Augmented Reactive Oxygen Catalysis” Angewandte Chemie International Edition 63, e202400838 (2024).
30. L.A. Wang, H. He, Q. Gan, H. Guo, Z. Yang, L. Xu, and C.Y. Tang*, “Polar Solvent-Induced Spontaneous Nanofoaming for Synthesizing Ultra-High-Performance Polyamide Nanofiltration Membranes” Nano Letters 24, 7373 (2024).
29. H. He†, H. Li†, A. Pu, W. Li, K. Ban, and L. Xu*, “Hybrid Assembly of Polymeric Nanofiber Network for Robust and Electronically Conductive Hydrogels” Nature Communications 14, 759 (2023). (pdf) (Highlighted in 文匯報, 明報, Phys.org, etc.)
28. M. Sun†, H. Li†, Y. Hou, N. Huang, X. Xia, H. Zhu, Q. Xu, Y. Lin, and L. Xu*, “Multifunctional Tendon-Mimetic Hydrogels” Science Advances 9, eade697 (2023). (pdf) (Nature research highlight)
27. Z. Wang†, H. Zhu†, H. Li, Z. Wang, M. Sun, B. Yang, Y. Wang, L. Wang, and L. Xu*, “High-Strength Magnetic Hydrogels with Photoweldability Made by Stepwise Assembly of Magnetic-Nanoparticle-Integrated Aramid Nanofiber Composites” ACS Nano 17, 9622 (2023). (pdf)
26. H. Li, W. Zhang, J. Liu, M. Sun, L. Wang, and L. Xu*, “Self-Assembled Nanofibrous Hydrogels with Tunable Porous Network for Highly Efficient Solar Desalination in Strong Brine” Advanced Functional Materials 33, 2308492 (2023). (pdf)
25. W. Xu, H. Liu, M.-C. Wong, H. He, J. Hao, and L. Xu*, “Robust and Durable Triboelectric Nanogenerators Enabled by A Mechanically Strong and Mildly Healable Polymer” Journal of Materials Chemistry A 11, 18893 (2023). (pdf)
24. F. Chen, X. Li, Y. Yu, Q. Li, H. Lin, L. Xu, and H.C. Shum*, “Phase-Separation Facilitated One-Step Fabrication of Multiscale Heterogeneous Two-Aqueous-Phase Gel” Nature Communications 14, 2793 (2023).
23. J. Yang, H. He, D. Li, Q. Zhang, L. Xu, and C. Ruan*, “Advanced Strategies in The Application of Gelatin-Based Bioink for Extrusion Bioprinting” Bio-Design and Manufacturing 6, 586 (2023).
22. H. Liu†, H. Li†, Z. Wang†, X. Wei, H. Zhu, M. Sun, Y. Lin, and L. Xu*, “Robust and Multifunctional Kirigami Electronics with Tough and Permeable Aramid Nanofiber Framework” Advanced Materials 34, 2207350 (2022). (pdf)
(Inside back cover highlight)
21. J. Gao, J. Zhou, C. Wang, X. Ma, K. Jiang, E. Kim, C. Li, H. Liu, L. Xu, H.C. Shum, S.-P. Feng, and D.-M. Shin*, “Engineered Networking in a Family of Solvent-Free Single-Ion Conducting Borate Network Polymer Electrolytes for Li-Metal Battery Applications” Chemical Engineering Journal 450, 138407 (2022).
20. J.L. Hu, F.R. Chen, J. Bian, N.N. Sun, K.X. Wang, H. Ling, H.Y. Yu, M.X. Gai, L.Z. Xu, and Y.A. Huang*, “Laser Projection Proximity Transfer for Deterministic Assembly of Microchip Arrays at Scale” Science China Technological Sciences 65, 2205 (2022).
19. H. He†, X. Wei†, B. Yang, H. Liu, M. Sun, Y. Li, A. Yan, C.Y. Tang, Y. Lin*, and L. Xu*, “Ultrastrong and Multifunctional Aerogels with Hyperconnective Network of Composite Polymeric Nanofibers” Nature Communications 13, 4242 (2022). (pdf)
(Highlighted in 文匯報, Phys.org, HKU news, etc.)
18. H. Li, Z. Wang, M. Sun, H. Zhu, H. Liu, C.Y. Tang and L. Xu*, “Breathable and Skin-Conformal Electronics with Hybrid Integration of Microfabricated Multifunctional Sensors and Kirigami-Structured Nanofibrous Substrates” Advanced Functional Materials 32, 2202792 (2022). (pdf)